Glasses filled with spirits


Would you like to take part in the competition ? 

Online registration is the easiest way to enter your spirits. Our team will guide you through the registration process. 

Important dates

Opening date for registration 21/11/2024
Closing date for registration 30/06/2025
Deadline for sending samples 30/06/2025
Competition dates from 07/09 to 13/09/2025
Results 29/09/2025


Registering on line is the easiest way to enter your products. Entries will only be processed and samples tasted when the application pack has been completed and the entry fees paid. If you are entering for the first time, we will send a username and password to access your account.

If you are unable to enter on line, you can enter your spirits on an exceptional basis by downloading registration form and returning it by post, fax or e-mail. 

Main categories

01. Brandies 17. Gin & Genever
02. Pomace Brandies 18. Bitters & Amaro
03. Fruit Brandies 19. Fruit wines
04. Whisky 20. Vins de liqueur (liqueur wines)
05. Rum 21. Cocktails & Hard Seltzer
06. Charanda 22. Sake
07. Cachaça 23. Non-Alcoholic Spirits
08. Liqueur 24. Shochu & Awamori
09. "Crème de Fruits" and Cream 25. Other
10. Cream Liqueurs 26. Tequila
11. Anise-flavoured 27. Mezcal
12. Vermouth and other Aromatised Wines 28. Other Agave Spirits
13. Chinese Baijiu 29. Raicilla
14. Soju 30. Bacanora
15. Aquavit 31. Sotol
16. Vodka 32. World Agave
see all the categories

Visual of the bottle

It is strongly recommended to provide us with a visual of the bottle for each spirits entered(.doc, .pdf, .jpg, scan…). You can upload this artwork via the online registration form. (in case you decided to participate via the registration document ( sent by email or post), please do not forget to attach the above mentioned document) 

Shipping of samples

Until 30 of June 2025

To be eligible to take part in the competition, each participant must submit 2 labelled bottles for each registered product to:

Spirits Selection by CMB

Rue de Mérode 60
1060 - Bruxelles

For Bulgarian producers, you should ship to :

M&M Militizer & Muench BG Co Ltd

София 1336, ул. Андрей Германов 11
Radi Pavlov

Entry fees

Entry fees start at €198 per sample, with a discount from three entries onwards.

Samples Price
1 198,00 €
2 396,00 €
3 579,00 €
4 772,00 €
5 940,00 €
6 1128,00 €
7 1281,00 €
8 1464,00 €
9 1647,00 €
>=10 178,00 € / sample

The fees must be paid on registration. If the cost of registration has not been received for a product, it will not be allowed to take part.
Payments can be made by :

  • Visa/Mastercard or American Express credit card
  • Bank transfer :
    Please note: Exclusive bank account from September 1, 2023BNP Paribas Fortis Belgique – IBAN : BE24 2710 0451 1138 – BIC : GEBABEBB

For Belgium-based companies: add 21% VAT

For EU-based companies outside Belgium: there is no VAT, please provide your intra-community VAT number.

For companies based outside the EU: there is no VAT.

Terms and conditions

Download full regulations